Tuesday, 22 September 2009

a*******y : That nine letter word

I’ll keep it really short n simple… coz seriously this does not deserve a second thought …

Politicians : plz stay were ever u want to as long as u r paying for it….
Journalists : plz don’t give this the undue mileage… that’s the only thing politicians want out of this..

Crux of the matter: Mr Rahul… u waste more resources going by a train… plz fly down to next destination n plzz no point travelling eco class with 8-10 guards around simply do that business class n be more discreet.
Please we want our Future PM( well I like the idea of it) to be up n abt… n reach a conference more relaxed..

We the people: we need to stand up against what mayawati is doin in luknw… wastin thousand of crores...
I loose my sleep that we don’t have basic amenities n U.P. …. Imagine what this money could have done for the people in real need…

A*******y is not what we require out of our politicians… common sense and accountability is what should reflect out of their actions...


Unknown said...

Right on!
Austerity has become a political gimmick in these financially bad times. They do not use it where it can make substantial contribution ...some are like mayawati, others decorate and renovate their homes spending crores of public money.

They still screw the country and they still get paid for it(under the table or whatever).

Apurva Narang said...

RT @apurvanarang : how to punish a politician?
- make them lead a life of a comman man...... then they'll know what statues they should be makin...